Conferences & workshops

The grammar learning community, also known as the International Community about Grammatical Inference, is organizing a conference every two years since the early 90’s: the International Conference/Colloquium on Grammatical Inference (ICGI). This is the major forum for presentation and discussion of original research papers on all aspects of grammar learning: it is the place to present works on learning formal grammars, finite state machines, context-free grammars, Markov models, or any models related to language theory, stochastic or not. Both theoretical works and experimental analyses are presented at this event.

An important number of workshops has also been regularly organized by the community through the years.

Upcoming Events:


Past Events:

International Conference in Grammatical Inference (ICGI)

  • ICGI 2023 (Rabat, Morocco). Editors: François Coste, Faissal Ouardi, Guillaume Rabusseau. Proceedings (PMLR, volume 217).
  • ICGI 2020/21 (on-line). Editors: Jane Chandlee, Rémi Eyraud, Jeffrey Heinz, Adam Jardine, Menno van Zaanen. Proceedings (PMLR, volume 153).
  • ICGI 2018 (Wroclaw, Poland). Editors: Witold Dyrka, Olgierd Unold, Wojciech Wieczorek. Proceedings (PMLR, volume 93).
  • ICGI 2016 (Delft, The Netherlands). Editors: Sicco Verwer, Menno van Zaanen, Rick Smetsers. Proceedings (PMLR, volume 57).
  • ICGI 2014 (Kyoto, Japan). Editors: Alexander Clark, Makoto Kanazawa, Ryo Yoshinaka. Proceedings (PMLR, volume 34)
  • ICGI 2012 (Washington, DC, USA). Editors: Jeffrey Heinz, Colin Higuera, Tim Oates. Proceedings (PMLR, volume 21).
  • ICGI 2010 (Valencia, Spain). Editors: José M. Sempere, Pedro García. Proceedings (Springer, LNCS, volume 6329)
  • ICGI 2008 (St Malo, Brittany, France). Editors: Alexander Clark, François Coste, Laurent Miclet. Proceedings (Springer, LNCS, volume 5278)
  • ICGI 2006 (Tokyo, Japan). Editors: Yasibumi Sakaibara, Satoshi Kobayashi, Kengo Sato, Tetsuro Nishino, Etsuji Tomita. Proceedings (Springer, LNAI, volume 4201)
  • ICGI 2004 (Athens, Greece). Editors: Georgios Paliouras, Yasubumi Sakakibara. Proceedings (Springer, LNAI, volume 3264)
  • ICGI 2002 (Amsterdam, The Netherlands). Editors: Pieter Adriaans, Henning Fernau, Menno van Zaanen. Proceedings (Springer, LNAI, volume 2484)
  • ICGI 2000 (Lisbon, Portugal). Editor: Arlindo L. Oliveira. Proceedings (Springer, LNAI, volume 1891)
  • ICGI 1998 (Ames, Iowa, USA). Editors: Vasant Honavar, Giora Slutzki. Proceedings (Springer, LNAI volume 1433)
  • ICGI 1996 (Montpellier, France). Editors: Laurent Miclet, Colin de la Higuera. Proceedings (Springer, LNAI, volume 1147)
  • ICGI 1994 (Alicante, Spain). Editors: Rafael C. Carrasco, Jose Oncina. Proceedings (Springer, LNAI, volume 862)
  • ICGI 1993 (Essex, UK), Editor: Simon M. Lucas. Proceedings


Learning & Automata (LearnAut) Series

  • LearnAut 2024 – Tallinn, Estonia, satellite workshop of ICALP’24
  • LearnAut 2022 – Paris, France, satellite workshop of ICALP’22
  • LearnAut 2019 – Vancouver, Canada, satellite workshop of LICS’19
  • LearnAut 2018 – Oxford, UK, satellite workshop of FLoCS’20
  • LearnAut 2017 – Reykjavik, Iceland, satellite workshop of LICS’17

Deep Learning and Formal Languages: Building Bridges

  • DelFol 2019 – Florence, Italy, satellite workshop of ACL’19

Computational Linguistic Aspects of Grammatical Inference

  • CLAGI 2009 – Athens, Greece, satellite workshop of EACL’09

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